This is a shot I took of Kira hanging out in the backyard- she was so happy to have somehere to run!

This picture is of a couple of purple martens hanging out on a electrical wire in the back alley of my sister's house. The sky looked really cool with the cold processing effect! I'm using it as my contest entry for "A picture is worth a 1000 lyrics". It suits the Leonard Cohen song "Bird on the wire" well I think.

Love your contest entry!! Great shots!!
I adore clouds and that is one gorgeous cloud shot!! I also really like the birds - great effect!
Wow - love the birds on a wire!!!
The first picture is great, I love taking pictures from moving cars, you get some surprising effects!
Also, I love me some Leonard Cohen, so I LOVE your entry!
love them :) great shots today
Hey, we are a band from Scotland and we really love this photo. How can we contact you to talk to you about the possibility of using it?
yours faithfully
oh, our email is ardentjohn@gmail.com!
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