Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shooting gophers... and other adventures

I decided my mission this weekend would be to get a good gopher picture. Gophers are all over Saskatchewan, and they seem to love living on the U of S campus, so we see a lot of the little guys. They are considered a pest, but I think they're cute! One little guy posed quite nicely for me and I shot a tonne of pictures of him :) After that I wandered around a bit and shot a few more photos of insects and such. It was a beautiful day.

Looking up the pine tree
My favourite shot of the day (I have a thing for mushrooms!)

An almost good shot of a beautiful butterfly

Buskers on Broadway tribute

3 comments: said...

Our love our gophers here! Love the mushroom photo too.

Jenn said...

The gopher shots are amazing! They seems so inquisitive! We don't have them here...just ground hogs :)
I think both butterfly shots are great too; I really like how the body is rather fuzzy in the first one but the wings are clear! Nice!

Theresa T said...

Cool gopher shots. Love the third one where he's leaning to the side and looking at you.

The closest we get is squirrels...