Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Look what I did to my new MacBook!

So I think this turned out pretty cool :) It's a vinyl skin printed and cut for MacBook (but you can get a variety of sizes and patterns) that protects the top from scratches and the area around the touchpad from getting dirty. It cost me $40 (with shipping) from


Callista said...

Eeeeh I NEED some of that now hahaa! I have a white Vaio, that could use some protection. Oh man that's cute!!!

Jenn said...

Very cool!!

vivi's mom said...

Wow that was only $40! Money well spent! I love it!

Jenn M said...

too cool!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to get my own now. I had no idea such things existed, but I've always wanted to dress up my mac book.