Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Note to self: Don't shoot in ISO 800 in bright sunlight...

So this weekend I was trying to get some good shots of the pets for the photo contest and a local pet calender that I can enter photos for. I was experimenting with Sv (sensitivity mode) on my camera in the evening and I forgot to change it back to my normal P mode (it's like a combo Av and Sv mode; very useful). In the morning, there were these wonderful birds hanging out in our mountain ash tree in the front yard. They were beautiful, so I grabbed the camera and started snapping. I got some good shots too! But then, after the birds had gone, I checked them out. Oh the noise! It's horrible- ISO 800 is usually pretty good in low light pictures, but the noise in photos taken in bright sunlight is, well, not so good. I'm so sad :( I also took a few of the kitties that are pretty good and I may just need to run them through a better noise removal program to make them work well. Anyway, let me know what you think of the kitty and dog pictures, I want to start amassing a collection so I can chose a good one of each pet to enter into the photo calender contest.


Jenn said...

I particularly like the last 2 of cats!!
Looking forward to seeing the bird shots once you remove the noise :)

Sondra said...

Really like the kitty pictures! Cat eyes are so pretty.

Jenn M said...

I really like the 5th (last) cat shot. :)

Callista said...

I like the 4th, I think with the two in their scratching post so cute!

Theresa T said...

The last one of the bird is so unusual yet eye catching. Not too bad for Oops! photos.

Pam said...

Looks like you have a small zoo at your place :) Glad to hear that Kira is doing better.