Our photo contest this week was night photography (picked by me!). I really wanted to get a good bridge shot- Saskatoon has the most amazing skyline on the river at night! But I've been feeling really crappy all week and I was super busy all weekend, so getting out to the river and setting up a shot after 11:00 was unlikely! I decided to look for inspiration close to home (not that the river is far, just more work!). Two weeks ago our neighbours set up really cool solar lights in their front yard which I immediately loved. I decided they would be perfect for a night photography shot, especially placed in the beautiful patch of white flowers. I must have looked like a crazy person though with my camera and tripod set up on their front walk taking quick shots of their yard! I'm sure if they would have seen me they would have laughed at me (or kicked me off of their property). I took the pictures using manual focus; autofocus just wasn't working! The exposure was about 6 seconds. I couldn't get the white balance right though- probably because the solar lights are bluish LEDs and the street lights are very orange/red toned so all of the flowers had a distinct reddish glow. I did 3 different edits of the photo- one pinker, one slightly desaturated to get the flowers to their natural white and one black and white. I chose the pink hued one because I loved the way the flowers glowed!

yeah taking pics seems to be much more fun than doing PhDs in molecular biology o_o
the shot definitely turned out awesome :)
I love the first edit! It makes it stand out the best! Great shot!
Absolutely gorgeous!! I love these flower photos!!!!!!!!!!
OH wow... I love the first edit as well but all three are gorgeous shots.
It's really funny we choose the same solar light orb things for that theme.
I really love your picture with the flowers around, and I agree the pinkish one is my favourite too!
I was wondering what those were. I prefer the colours in the first one, but then I love colour.
I love them all, the second one was really cool though!
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